This life-size highly Realistic, Life-Like Breast Self-Examination Wearable Simulator Model. Demonstrate Breast Self-Examination with our natural casting of a Female upper body with medium sized breasts. It can easily be worn, in order to better train and practice breast examination and self-examination. It is not possible to determine the exact nature of any tumor strictly by touch. Although many Breast Lumps are not cancerous, any Lump should be examined by a Health Professional. With Early detection - through Breast Self - Examination, clinical exams by a healthcare professional, mammography - the chances of surviving breast cancer increase dramatically. All women should perform monthly breast self- exam. Women after 40 and older should have a clinical breast exam every year.
Breast Self-Examination Simulator/Model Features:
- Made of Strong, Life-Like Skin, high-quality silicone
- Displays the skin in finest detail
- Very realistic to the touch and dermatologically tested
- Breast examination is possible in both upright or lying positions
- Benign and malignant tumors in different stages of development home self-examination skills:
- 2 benign tumors
- 4 malignant tumors
- 2 typical abnomalitis
- Multilingual Key Card “Female Breast” Chart
- Talcum powder
- Harness
- Stand
- Aluminum Carrying Case --- Optional
Size: 23" x 18" x 10"
Weight: 11.5kg